Monday, August 6, 2018

August 6-11, 5:30-8pm each evening


Monday - Greeting by Coach Bagley and Coach DuBois. Talk by Coach Pierangeli of Schalick -- Beginning your Season. Instructions, Warm up, Training Session (an easy run on the trails). Cool down activities.

Tuesday - Greeting & Instructions by Coach Bagley. Talk by Ben Woodward, recent Highland HS grad who is on his way to study & compete for Rider University. Warm up and Training session by Coach DuBois - Fartlek training and circuit drills. Cool Down activities.

Wednesday - Greeting and Instructions by Coach DuBois. Talk by Ringo Adamson, an accomplished runner, former Olympian and now coach at Rowan U. Training session - easy trail runs. Cool down activities.

Thursday - Greeting and instructions by Coach Bagley. Talk by Coach DuBois. Warm up and training session -- a Threshold Workout. Biomechanics drills. Cool down.

Friday - Greeting and instructions. Talk on preparing for racing. Training session - a pre-race practice (aka: preparing to run a 5k tomorrow). Finish early - 7:30pm

Saturday - warm up and 5k around the lake for time

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Camp 5k - 8/11, 80 degrees & stormy

Congrats to Jared for a tremendous performance in his first 5k! Although Jared has run at CR a few Track  seasons, this is his first XC expe...